alwaysEvolve(transforms, input) → {Object}
A port of Ramda's evolve(), but the transforms are always applied regardless if the key/value pair exists in the input object or not.
Name Type Description transforms
Object An object whose values may be transform functions that need to be wrapped in try/catch
Object The input object to pass through prop-level transformations
Object -The modified input object, with any prop-level transforms applied to it
alwaysFunction(val) → {function}
If the provided value is NOT a function, transform it into a function that always returns that value
Name Type Description val
* A value of any type
function -If the original value was a function, that function is returned, otherwise a function that always returns the original value is returned function that always returns that value OR
applyNonTransformProps(spec, input) → {Object}
Takes an non-transform props (non-functions) in a given spec and merges them onto the input object.
Name Type Description spec
Object An object whose values are either transform functions or pass-through values to be added to the return object
Object An object which will be passed through the re-shaping transform functions defined by the spec
Object -The input object with only the pass-through props applied to it
applyWholeObjectTransforms(spec, input) → {Object}
Applies transform functions in a given spec to a given object, BUT only the trasnforms that DON'T match key names on the input object are applied.
Name Type Description spec
Object An object which contains transform functions (only those which do not correspond to keys on the input object will be applied to the input object)
Object An object which will be passed through the re-shaping transform functions defined by the spec
Object -The input object with the spec transforms applied to it (only those that do not correspond to key names on the input object)
defaultErrorHandler(fieldName, value, exception) → {undefined}
Logs to the console any failed transform functions, along with the field name and the value that was fed into the transform function. Plus, the exception itself is also logged.
Name Type Description fieldName
String The field name for the failed transform function
Object The value that was fed into the transform function
Object The exception thrown by the failed transform
undefined -
evolveSpec(transforms, input) → {Object}
A port of Ramda's evolve(), but any primitive value or array in the transform spec is wrapped in a function that always returns that value. Any functions already on the transform spec are applied at the prop-level (like evolve() always does) and any objects on the transform spec call the evolver recursively (again, normal behavior for evolve()). In other words, the only difference between this and Ramda's evolve() function is that primitives and array vales are wrapped in an always() function before the spec is fed to evolve() rather than being omitted from the final output.
Name Type Description transforms
Object An object with transform functions or nested transform functions or primitive vales to be wrapped with a function.
Object The input object to pass through prop-level transformations
Object -The modified input object, with any prop-level transforms applied to it
impliedRemove(spec, input) → {Object}
Removes the any props from the input not named in the spec. Doesn't matter what the value types are in the spec: if the key name doesn't exist in the spec, it won't exist in the output.
Name Type Description spec
Object An object
Object An object which will have any props not named in the spect removed
Object -The input object with the props removed which were not in the spec too
isPlainObj(val) → {Boolean}
This is what you really mean when you're checking to see if something is an Object. Honestly who cares that an Array, Date and RegExp are technically objects too? You were looking for the thing with the curly braces {} right?
Name Type Description val
* A value of any type
Boolean -Whether or not the value is an Object
keepAndShape(spec, input) → {Object}
Keeps only the props you name in your spec. If you provided a function, it is applied at the prop-level. It is expected (best practice, for conveying intent) that you give a value of
for props that you want to keep but not transform (a zipped object - where key and value are both strings of the same name - makes sense too). In this mode, if you provide any other type of value it won't be used in the spec. If the prop doesn't exist, you won't see it on the output (use shapeSuperStrictly if you want to seeundefined
for those cases instead).Parameters:
Name Type Description spec
Object An object whose values are either transform functions or (preferrably) a value of
to signal a value to be preserved (as-is) on the outputinput
Object An object which will be passed through the pruning/re-shaping defined by the spec
Object -The input object with the spec transforms applied to it and unnamed props shaved off the output
keeper(spec, input) → {Object}
Keeps only the props you name in your spec. It is expected (best practice, for conveying intent) that you give a value of
for props that you want to keep but not transform (a zipped object - where key and value are both strings of the same name - makes sense too).Parameters:
Name Type Description spec
Object An object whose values are
or match the key name to signal a value to be preserved (as-is) on the outputinput
Object An object which will be passed through the pruning defined by the spec
Object -The input object with the unnamed props shaved off the output
makeFunctionUnlessObject(val) → {function|Object}
If the provided value is neither an Object nor a Function, transform it into a function that always returns that provided value.
Name Type Description val
* A value of any type
function | Object -A function that always returns the provided value OR the original value (if it was already a Function or an Object)
makePruningSpec(spec) → {Object}
Makes sure a given spec is acceptable for one of the pruning modes (ie, "remove" or "keep"). Specs in this mode are treated more strictly, meaning the prop must be given a value of "true" or the key and value can be identical. Functions are acceptable values in the spec of course.
Name Type Description spec
Object A spec to be coerced into an acceptable pruning spec
Object -A spec that is acceptable to be used in pruning mode.
makeShaper(spec, input) → {Object}
A single function that selects and applies one of the available re-shaping functions in the shapey library, depending on what you've set the
prop to in thespec
you provide as the first argument to this function.Think of it like a case statement in a Redux reducer, however since you most likely don't want to sacrifice the meanining associated with the "type" property to internals of shapey, a prop called "shapeyMode" is used instead.
If for some reason you have some prop on the input (the object you're transforming) already named "shapeyMode", um . . . don't.
Available modes (case & space in-sensitive): "strict" - uses
, where only the props named in your spec are included in the output "keep" - useskeepAndShape
, where all the props you name in your spec are kept. "remove" - usesremoveAndShape
, where all the props you name in your spec are removed.In addition to controlling the mode for Shapey, you can control how the transforms are applied. This is controlled via the reserved prop in your spec called "shapeyTransforms", and the available options for it are: "prop" - All transforms are applied at the prop-level, regardless if they exist on the input object "whole" - All transforms are given the entire input object as input (regardless if a prop matching the name of the transform exists on the input object)
Name Type Description spec
Object An object whose values are either transform functions or pass-through values to be added to the return object
Object An object which will be passed through the re-shaping transform functions defined by the spec
Object -The input object with the spec transforms applied to it
objectify(val) → {Object}
Turns any non-Object values into empty objects
Name Type Description val
* A value of any type
Object -If the original value was an Object, it is returned as-is, otherwise an empty object is returned
onlySpecTransforms(spec) → {Object}
Filters a spec (object) to only the props that are transform functions. If the input is not an object, this is just an identity function.
Name Type Description spec
Object An object whose values (may) be transform functions
Object -The input object with only the props that are functions retained
removeAndShape(spec, input) → {Object}
Removes all the props you name in your spec. If you provided a transform function however, it is applied at the prop-level and that prop is (obviously) NOT removed but rather transformed accordingly. It is expected (best practice, for conveying intent) that you give a value of
for props you want to remove (a zipped object - where key and value are both strings of the same name - makes sense too). In this mode, if you provide any other type of value it won't be used in the spec.Parameters:
Name Type Description spec
Object An object whose values are either transform functions or (preferrably) a value of
to signal a value to be remove from the outputinput
Object An object which will be passed through the pruning/re-shaping defined by the spec
Object -The input object with the spec transforms applied to it and name props shaved off the output
removeMagicProps(spec) → {Object}
Removes the reserved "shapey*" prefixed props from a spec.
Name Type Description spec
Object A shapey spec to be pruned of magic props
Object -A shapey spec cleaned of magic props
remover(spec, input) → {Object}
Removes the props you name in your spec. It is expected (best practice, for conveying intent) that you give a value of
for props that you want to remove but not transform (a zipped object - where key and value are both strings of the same name - makes sense too).Parameters:
Name Type Description spec
Object An object whose values are
or match the key name to signal a value to be removed from the outputinput
Object An object which will be passed through the pruning defined by the spec
Object -The input object with the named props shaved off the output
safeSpecTransforms(spec) → {Object}
Wraps every function on a given spec in a try/catch that catches any exception.
What it does with the exception is up to the consumer:
- ignores it (if "shapeyDebug" isn't set)
- logs it along with the corresponding field name,
(if "shapeyDebug" is set totrue
) - uses a custom handler supplied by the consumer as the value for "shapeyDebug"
Note that a custom error handler will be passed the following params (in order):
- The exception
- The field name
- The value that was fed into the transform function
Name Type Description spec
Object An object whose values may be transform functions that need to be wrapped in try/catch
Object -The same spec object but whose functions are safely wrapped in in try/catch handlers
shapeline(transforms, input) → {*}
Applies a list of functions (in sequence) to a single input, passing the transformed output as the input value to the next function in the chain. If a spec object is included in the transforms, the shaper that corresponds to the "shapeyMode" prop is invoked (otherwise
is used). This creates a transform function for the pipeline.Parameters:
Name Type Description transforms
Array.<function()> A list of transform functions
* The input value to pass through the enhancer pipeline
* -The output of the original input passed through the chain of transform functions
shapeLoosely(spec, input) → {Object}
This function allows one to blend an object with a clone that is taken through prop transformations. Unlike object mappers/transformers, not every value in the spec need be a function. Non-function values are simply added to the result. If a given value in the spec IS a function however, it will be used to transform OR to create a prop. If the prop specified on the spec exists on the value (object) being mapped, a prop-level transform will be perform (just like Ramda's evolve()). But if a prop in the spec doesn't exist in the object and if that prop is a transformer function, then the transformer will be used to create that prop on the resulting object BUT the entire object will be passed into the transform function (just like Ramda's applySpec(), rather than just a single prop.
Name Type Description spec
Object An object whose values are either transform functions or pass-through values to be added to the return object
Object An object which will be passed through the re-shaping transform functions defined by the spec
Object -The input object with the spec transforms applied to it
shapeStrictly(spec, input) → {Object}
Applies a shaping spec to an input object, but will NOT pass through any props unless they are named in the spec. In other words, you're providing it template for creating a brand new object from some raw input.
Name Type Description spec
Object An object whose values are either transform functions or pass-through values to be added to the return object
Object An object which will be passed through the re-shaping transform functions defined by the spec
Object -The input object with the spec transforms applied to it
wrapperForTheirErrorHandler(errHandler, fieldName, value, exception) → {*}
A wrapper around an (optional) error handler that the may be passed in as the "shapeyDebug" value. It is curried, but will feed their handler a more standard signature of: (err, field, value)
Name Type Description errHandler
function The custom error handler provided by the consumer
String The field name for the failed transform function
Object The value that was fed into the transform function
Object The exception thrown by the failed transform
* -Could be anything, or nothing (it's up to the consumer)