React Auth Wrapper

Decouple your Authentication and Authorization from your components!

react-auth-wrapper is a utility library for handling authentication and authorization in react + react-router applications.

Note: This is a fork of a prior work that was directly coupled to Redux. See the original work by Matt Russell to compare.


npm install --save react-auth-wrapper


This package exports four different higher-order components that you can use to wrap any component that needs to verify authentication status prior to rendering in your app.

  • withAuth - checks for isAuthenticated and isAuthenticating props to show or hide your component
  • withAuthFromContext - Like withAuth except you also provide your Context Consumer that holds your auth info (and any optional selector/prop-name if isAuthenticated and isAuthenticating are not inside your Context provider's state)
  • withAuthAndRedirect - Like withAuth except will also allow redirecting to a given URL/route when un-authenticated and return to your component once authenticated
  • withAuthFromContextAndRedirect - Like withAuthFromContext except will also allow redirecting to a given URL/route when un-authenticated and return to your component once authenticated


View the full docs. These are always in-sync with the JsDoc code annotations.