/* eslint-disable consistent-return */
* Looks for a specified key on an Object you provide.
* The is performed safely and will not throw an error if something on the prop path chain you specify doesn't exist.
* Will always return `undefined` if a prop path cannot be resolved (rather than throwing).
* @function
* @name propAt
* @param {string | Array<string>} prop A top-level key OR a deeply nested prop path (which may be represented as an array or as a single dot-delimited string)
* @param {object} obj An object which may contain a specified prop
* @returns {*|undefined} The value associated with the nested prop path OR undefined if it does not exist
function propAt(prop, obj) {
try {
const paths = typeof prop === "string" ? prop.split(".") : prop
const len = paths.length
if (len === 0) return undefined
let idx = 0
let val = obj[paths[idx]]
while (++idx < len) {
val = val[paths[idx]]
return val
} catch (err) {
// Prop wasn't found; returning undefined
export default propAt