* Gathers an Array of Functions that return Promises and returns an Array of results, once they have all completed.
* The only difference between this and native Promise.all() is that these promises will _all_ be resolved/rejected before the final Promise (containing all the results) is returned. With native Promise.all(), the first unhandled rejection will cause the whole endeavor to be terminated.
* Addtionally you can pass in a flag to force caught errors to be ignored entirely.
* @function
* @name promiseAll
* @param {Array<function>} requests An array of Functions that return Promises
* @param {boolean} ignoreErrors Whether or not to ignore errors entirely (this will cause all the results to be returned and any Errors will be returned in place of the results)
* @returns {Promise<*>} A Promise that will resolve once all of the Promises are resolved/rejected
function promiseAll(requests, ignoreErrors) {
const errors = []
const len = requests.length
let resolvedRejectedCount = 0
const results = new Array(len)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
* Resolves or rejects the whole series of promises once the count has been reached (depending on whether we are also ignoring errors or not)
* @function
* @private
* @name checkForFinalPromise
function checkForFinalPromise() {
if (resolvedRejectedCount === len) {
if (ignoreErrors || !errors.length) {
} else {
* Handles each promise result by adding the it to the list of values to return or incrementing the error count.
* @function
* @private
* @name handleResult
* @param {*} result The value returned by the promise
* @param {number} index The index number used to matching this promise to the placement in the original list
function handleResult(result, index) {
results[index] = result
* Handles an error which occurred during an async call by adding the it to the list of errors and incrementing the error count.
* @function
* @private
* @name handleError
* @param {Error} err The error thrown during the async call
* @param {number} index The index number used to matching this error to the placement in the original list
function handleError(err, index) {
if (ignoreErrors) results[index] = err
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
.then(result => handleResult(result, i))
.catch(err => handleError(err, i))
export default promiseAll